Freddie Answers Spiteful Spring Breaker
Dear Freddie, It’s the week before break and I have no idea what to do. All of my friends are going to restaurants, vacation, visiting...

Why are Winters Getting Warmer?
Recent winters have been warmer than usual. The winter of 2016-2017 was one of the warmest on record. Why is this? The reality of...

NASA Discovers Seven New Planets!
Much to the surprise of scientists at NASA, seven planets similar to Earth’s size were spotted while using the telescope TRAPPIST-1,...
Benefits of Achieve 3000
One of the least liked programs at JPEC is undoubtedly Achieve3000. However, it all has a reason. A total of sixteen Achieves are to be...

Advanced Choir Goes to Festival
This last February, the Choir of Jackson Preparatory and Early College was invited to compete in an event called the Choir Festival. The...
Academy Award Nominations
On January 24th, the Academy Award Nominations were announced for the 89th Annual Academy Awards Ceremony, better known as the Oscars....

Superintendent Whiston visits JPEC
The State’s Superintendent came to visit JPEC on Wednesday. He went to a variety of classrooms to see JPEC! The administration staff...
Everlasting Lightning of Venezuela
In Venezuela, there is a place where a storm rages on and on. Lightning strikes the earth nonstop and gives the people of Zulia,Venezuela...

Vladimir Putin Signs Law Decriminalizing Domestic Violence
Vladimir Putin has signed a law drastically decreasing the punishment for domestic violence. Already a widespread problem in Russia,...

Students Set Goals For NWEA Testing
It’s that time of year again, students have to take their Mid-year NWEA testing. This testing will allow the school to see the students’...