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NASA Discovers Seven New Planets!

Much to the surprise of scientists at NASA, seven planets similar to Earth’s size were spotted while using the telescope TRAPPIST-1, orbiting a nearby star. According to The Telegraph, the discovery is less than 40 light years away from Earth, and the discovery was announced on Wednesday.

The planets are very close to one another, and the star they’re orbiting. They are all closer to their star than our closest planet to the sun, Mercury. Although this may sound like the planets are so close that it would be harsh conditions on the planet, the star is significantly dimmer than our sun. Because of this, three of the planets are in the habitable zone, which means that there could potentially be life.

NASA isn’t sure yet whether there is or ever was life on this planet, but there is a possibility; The planets are in the sweet spot for supporting life. Although, the planets have not been named yet, for now they are just called B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. Those aren’t very unique names, but remember these were only discovered several days ago.

(Click on image to see doodle)

This news has been spread rapidly, because Google recently posted a “Google Doodle” about this topic, which can be seen when looking up something on Google. This attention will hopefully encourage NASA to explore more of these planets, so we can decipher whether or not we found other life.

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