Freddie Answers Costumeless Creator
Dear Freddie, It’s nearly Halloween and I still don’t have a costume! I have no idea what to be, but I know I want to look cool. Maybe...
Spirit Week/Early College Dance
Homecoming Dance is on Friday, October 21st. There will be music, dancing, refreshments, and fun with your friends! Homecoming is a good...
College Football has begun!
College football has just begun, and a lot of exciting games have already been played. Saturday, September 24th Michigan State lost to...

Survey: Trump Versus Clinton
So far, it has been a very close race on the campaign trail. There was a moment that Hillary Clinton was ahead by almost fifty percent!...

Steller Falcons! -September-Student Spotlight
From 8th grade we have Emma Kuhl. Her favorite color is purple and favorite animal are elephants. Emma was born on August 19th. She plays...
Clinton and Trump Go Head-to-Head in First Debate
On September 26, the first of the Presidential Debates was held in New York City on NBC Nightly News. The debate consisted of six...

Has Your Zodiac Changed?
September 2016 was a drastic month for those who care about their zodiac sign/horoscope. Zodiac signs are an astrological symbol...

The "Huh" Challenge
Best friends breaking apart, feelings being hurt, public embarrassment, and all because of what? There is this new challenge that has...
Freddie Answers Friendless Falcon
Dear Freddie, I’m new to JPEC, and I’m really shy. I’ve tried to talk to people, but I can’t get a word out. At my old school I had a lot...

Teacher Spotlight: Mr. Schaeffer
Mr. Schaeffer is a phenomenal teacher. After attending Central Michigan University (CMU), he student taught in Clare, Michigan and in...