Ms. Lloyd Transitions to Teaching CP Math
Ms. Lloyd has taught a lot of courses at JPEC, so the cycle has become almost normal for her
By Jonah Kreger
Until the middle of term two, Ms. Lloyd taught math in Early College, and Ms. King taught math in College Prep. Then when an opening in a job close to home opened up, Ms. King took it, leaving CP without a Math teacher. Thankfully, Ms. Lloyd stepped up and took the job.
After Ms. Lloyd took the job, it left the position open for a new teacher.
“I wasn’t really looking for a new job. Mr. Moore was going to take over the position and it seemed like my classes at EC would have been a better fit for him, so I let him take that,” she explained when talking about why when switched to the CP building.
Ms. Lloyd first took a job as an English teacher at the College Prep building. She elucidated on her time moving around positions at JPEC,
“When I joined JPEC I was a 7th and 8th grade English teacher and I taught that for a couple of years. Then, I taught middle school math, so I’m actually returning to my old position. When we hired a new teacher, they couldn’t teach at the High School level so I moved up.”
However, she was at JPEC even before that. She said she started at JPEC as a long-term sub.
A lot of times, people develop a love for teaching earlier. Ms. Lloyd is no different,
“I’ve always really loved teaching. When I was in 5th grade I would stay in from recess and help the teacher grade. When I was in Highschool I did a cadet teaching class where I could go teach at the elementary level.”
Ms. Lloyd has been at JPEC since 2015. Everyone hopes to see her here for far, far longer.

Image of Ms. Lloyd from the JPEC website Faculty and Staff Directory.