Talented Falcons
Two of JPEC’S own, Katelyn Gragg and Faith Kimpell, were accepted into a band performance at Western University on April 14th. The two...
Spring Break No More
Everyone loves spring break, whether it’s a teacher, student, administrator, and so forth everyone enjoys the time off they get. It is a...
Choir Rocks Festival to Its Core
“First year as a choir! First year at Festival! Rating of straight 2’s, 1’s go to state, so we’re close!” The choir has only been meeting...
Letter from the Editor 4-1-16
Our second edition already? Where as time gone? It feels like only a short while ago this was just a dream instead of a reality. But,...
Meet JPEC's President
We have decided to start a new segment for the Free Press and that is going to be a meet the staff article. This week’s victim was Mr....
Freddie Answers Concerned Carol
Dear Freddie, I have a friend that I care for a lot. This friend acts differently around people. When they’re with me, they act like they...
Girl's Volleyball
The girl’s volleyball season is coming up quickly. The coach, Ms. Hillman, is working hard training girls every morning for the upcoming...
Freddie Answers Questioning Quentin
Dear Freddie, I have heard there is a brand new JPEC newspaper called the Falcon Free Press. I ALSO heard there is a super-helpful...
Life Hacks to Help You Succeed in School
Choose a specific color for every class and make sure that you aren’t choosing the same color for two different subjects. Then color code...

Move Over Leprechauns, Here Come The Falcons
The College Prep Student Council held a pancake breakfast on March 17th in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. According to Madison Ostrowski, a...