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Freddie Answers Costumeless Creator

Dear Freddie,

It’s nearly Halloween and I still don’t have a costume! I have no idea what to be, but I know I want to look cool. Maybe make it myself? Please help me come up with Halloween ideas, I’m really desperate!!!


Costumeless Creator


Dear Costumeless Creator,

I understand the stress of figuring out a costume, everyone gets that feeling sooner or later. You’re not alone. If you are looking into store-bought costumes just try to look for a costume that reflects your interests. Maybe you like superheroes or anime characters. Whatever it may be, I suggest you dress like one of your favorite characters.

If you’re looking into creating your costume, DIYs are a nice place to start. But if you’re not wanting to do some elaborate costume that takes a long time to create, TV human characters are really easy. You like a comedian? Dress up how they would. The key to these kind of costumes is that you play the part and say their catchphrases. Your might get the age old question “What are you?” but that makes it 10x more fun! Have a guessing game.

The last advice I have for you is to randomly slap stuff together last minute. This may just sound like a procrastinator’s way of Halloween but you’ll be surprised at how well it will come together. You choose what you are. Whatever you choose, have fun on Halloween. Don’t overthink it and just act whatever you choose!

Your friend,

Freddie the Falcon

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