The Libertarian Party
Who are they and what does their party stand for? By Rohan Kudva Photography Editor/News Reporter Founded by David Nolan on December 11,...

Amy Coney Barrett’s Nomination to the Supreme Court
Barrett has a long history in the Justice System prior to her nomination for Supreme Court Justice At the time of writing, Amy Coney...

The Rise of Socialism
The concept of socialism has grown and evolved in the U.S. over recent years In the past few years, the American left has grown...

Teacher Spotlight: Mrs. Sager
Mrs. Sager has been a teacher for over 20 years. She found out about JPEC by coming across it on an education administration website. She...

Teacher Spotlight: Mr Pratt
Mr. Pratt has been a teacher at Jpec for three years. He teaches math and robotics. He found out about Jpec through the media about a new...
Top 5 Most Popular Names
In June, 2017, there are quite a few popular names. Here are the top five most popular girl’s and boy’s names in the United States right...

Pros of Interssesion
The week of June 19th through June 23rd, that Friday, we’ll have our first Intersession Friday. Intersession Fridays are to help you...

Unplug and Unwind
The benefits of not having an internet addiction and tips to help you unwind Now a days everyone has their face in a screen, whether it’s...

Cons of Interssesion
Intersession Friday’s are half days of working on assignments that are late or incomplete. They are for the purpose of catching up in...

Ms. Lloyd Spotlight
Ms. Lloyd teaches English to college prep years two and three. She first heard about JPEC when she was a substitute teacher. She went to...