Teacher Spotlight: Mrs. Sager
Mrs. Sager has been a teacher for over 20 years. She found out about JPEC by coming across it on an education administration website. She teaches Theater Arts, Reading and Writing the Graphic Novel, Contemporary Literature, Composition 111, Composition 121, Corporate Communications, and The Falcon Press and Broadcasting Network Production. She says that she knew she wanted to be a teacher when she stumbled upon it in graduate school while getting her M.A in English at Eastern Michigan University. A professor suggested she apply for a teaching assistantship to pay for her education. She decided to do it and taught a freshman composition class there while completing her degree. She says she loved it and she loves being of service in the world. Mrs. Sager’s favorite colors are “all shades of blue and spring green”. Her two favorite movies are The Horse Whisperer and Legend of the Fall. Her hobbies are antiquing, Indianapolis Colts football, Church, Church Choir, reading, and helping her husband landscape. Mrs. Sager’s best memories of JPEC were when the Falcon Press came out and every day with the JPEC administration.