What is The Green Party
By Rachael Carpenter/News Reporter
The Green Party of the United States is the fourth largest political party. Although considered small, they have grown over the past several decades. The Green Party Organization claims their mission is to be,
“...a formally organized political party based on the principles of green politics, environmentalism, non-violence, social justice, participatory, gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, anti-war. anti-racism, ecosocialism, and respect for diversity.” A recent survey of its members, conducted by the organization states that most people that support the Green Party believe that this is the foundation for world peace.
Political parties campaigning for environmental platforms started in the early 1970’s in different parts of the world. Now Green Parties exist in almost 90 countries worldwide. According to the Green Party U.S., they describe their platform as standing for democracy, social justice, ecology, and peace.
People in the Green Party are referred to as the Greens and they are advocating fairness, economic justice, and respect for all Americans. The primary source of funding for the party is small donations from party members, and most employees are a variety of volunteers.
When it came to the U.S. 2020 election, the Green party got very little of the total vote, which is generally characteristic of third parties due to the U.S.’s political system. According to Daily Orange,
“Hawkins and his running mate, Angela Walker, received 0.2% of votes nationwide and 0.3 percent in New York.”

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