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Wonder Women - Review & Easter Eggs

In the new hit movie, Wonder Woman, there are many references to the DC Universe both cinematic and comic. The movie has very subtle easter eggs and they aren’t very noticeable. The few easter eggs aren’t important to other movies and won’t really influence your viewing experience if you don’t notice them. This movie has received a 7.9/10 on IMDb, 92% on Rotten Tomatoes and a 76% on Metacritic.

One of the easter eggs is when Diana (Wonder Woman) is eating an ice cream cone and tells the vender selling them they should be proud. This scene is in two other iterations of Wonder Woman. One is in a comic and the other one was in an animated film. This helps illustrate how these easter eggs aren’t that important if you miss them.

Another one that could be seen as an easter egg is when Diana blocks a bullet from hitting Steve (another character) in an alley with her fore arm. This could be seen as a reference to the Superman movie in which Superman does the same thing. The movie has several similarities or references to the original Superman.

There are other easter eggs such as when the character Steve is talking about the island Wonder Woman is from after he lands there. He calls the island, “Paradise Island” which is a reference to the title of this island in the comics.

The director himself also made an appearance in the film, in which he portrayed a marine in the trenches when Diana was walking through them.

As shown above the easter eggs in the movie aren’t really that important and don’t nod towards any future films. Some of them are a stretch such as the license plate on the Wayne Corporation truck has “JL” in it which could be seen as “Justice League”. Overall though it is a good movie and I recommend it.

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