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Communications Guide

This term, many students, who have not already, are taking the Communications course at JPEC. In this course you are expected to give several speeches, which can make many people nervous. Since this course is difficult for many people, here is a guide to help you feel better about speeches and keeping that Communications grade up.

1- Note Cards

Note cards for speeches are definitely a must when allowed. Keep your note cards to simple notes, so that you aren’t standing in front of your audience reading them. I would recommend getting colored pens for your note cards so you don’t lose your place when looking at them. Also, writing in different colors help you remember things better!

2- Practice

Once you have your speech completed, practice, practice, practice! First, I like to practice reading it through in both my head and aloud several times. Then, I would recommend practicing in a mirror. After you feel confident enough, practice in front of friends or family!

3- Volume and Articulation

You should speak loudly and clearly during your speech. When you do this everyone can hear you and understand it. It engages your audience a lot more when you speak loud and clear than when you speak quietly. Also, you sound more confident and interested in what you’re saying if you’re louder.

4 Eye Contact

It is imperative that you are making eye contact with your audience during your speech. Again, it keeps your audience interested.

I hope this communications guide helps you become more confident in your speeches and your communications grade.

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