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The Key to a More Successful Term

As you know, the new term has just begun and that means you have another opportunity for good grades. Maintaining them can be quite the struggle, but I have some helpful hints for you!

Tip 1: Attend Class

Try to be in school as much as possible! You aren’t learning by sitting on your couch eating potato chips.

Tip 2: Stay Organized

It is a lot easier to keep track of assignment due dates when you are organized. I recommend using some of the websites like that allow you to create a schedule and keep track of assignments and their due dates. For paper based assignments, I recommend getting folders for each class and keeping them in a binder.

Tip 3: Start Strong, Stay Strong

If you start the term with good grades, it is easier to maintain them throughout the term. If you start the term with a low grade, you have to keep up with the class and improve past assignments which can be quite the challenge. If you start the term with a good grade, you just move forward with the class without worrying about past assignments.

Tip 4: Study Studying through effective ways like flashcards. Whenever you have tests or big assignments coming up, studying is key.

I hope you enjoy and utilize these helpful hints to get great grades.


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