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Ariana Grande Bombing

Ariana Grande’s concert was bombed last week in Manchester, England. It now has been confirmed as a terrorist attack because of the evidence found at the scene. Twenty-two people died and fifty-nine were injured. After this incident, Ariana Grande felt that what happened was her fault. The British Muslim Salman Abedi, was believed to cause this attack and is now dead, as this was a suicide bombing.

“I Felt that they decided to bomb Ariana Grande’s concert because it was an easy target, the way their security system is set up,” says Lily Magon. After all, England’s security is a lot different than the United States. We think that the concert may have not had adequate security for such an event, this could possibly be why the bombing was able to happen. We think the United States has more strict security laws than Britain because here in the U. S we’ve had a huge Terrorist attack. The 9/11 attack was drastic.

Since Ariana Grande felt like this was her fault, she is trying her best to pay the families their respects. She did a benefit concert to try and fund all of the funerals for the families. About fifty-thousand people showed up. Celebrities such as Ariana’s brother, Frankie Grande, Miley Cyrus, Coldplay,Pharrell Williams etc. Also, she went to Manchester Hospital and visited the injured from the concert. She is trying her best to make everyone happy.

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