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The Science Behind Fidget Spinners

(Picture Source: Etsy)

Fidget spinners have been a phenomenon at JPEC for quite some time. If you walk into a classroom at our school, you will almost certainly see at least one student fidgeting with one of these addicting toys. Why are they such a big hit? What in the foundation of fidget spinners makes us want to play with them?

One of the biggest reasons why fidget spinners are so addicting, is that they utilize your sensory processing skills. While being idle and sitting for a lengthy time, your body has pent up sensory nerves, and it just wants to get out energy, and fidget spinners are a fun way to do this. A lot of the people who enjoy fidget spinners don’t even have ADD, but it just gets out pent up nerves and that makes the action addicting, according to Health News.

Another reason why they are addicting is because it has become a trend. Yes, it is true. Many people who are obsessed with fidget spinners wouldn’t be typically, but because everyone is doing it, many people are just hopping onto the trend train. They may not be aware of it, but they wouldn’t be as addicted if Jimmy next to them didn’t have one on each finger.

At the time that this is being written, four people in the classroom are spinning their fidget spinners. Will this be a passing trend at JPEC like the fidget cube, or will this be one to last?

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