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Citizens In Jackson Michigan Petition The NDO

This Tuesday, citizens gathered in support and opposition of the NDO or non-discriminatory ordinance. The non-discriminatory ordinance protects LGBTQ people from being denied jobs or housing because of their sexual orientation and or identity.

The NDO was approved to go into legislation on February but due to a petition that was filed to repeal the ordinance, it has yet to go into effect.

Andrew Wrozek, clerk of jackson Michigan, is one of the people who signed the petition, this in itself is legal. Controversy arose when the petitions were filed but due to certain circumstances were invalid.

The meeting this week was held to determine the fate of the NDO. Most people who attended the meeting for the portion that regarded the ordinance were in favor of it.

Those against the non-discriminatory ordinance cited reasons of personal freedom and religion as motives for supporting the petition. One individual remarked that since it was a choice to be a LGBTQ person the NDO should not be passed.

Other NDO opposed people said similar things. One man commented that because the ordinance had a main focus of LGBTQ people, it was discriminating against the peronal beliefs of many others and was giving “special treatment”.

As expected, many people were upset by the remarks of those that were in favor of the petition. One commenter called Clerk Wrzosek’ actions “a flagrant disregard of jackson’s charter” another went as far to say “ if this makes you uncomfortable quit your job until you become a grownup”.

At the end of the hours long discussion a decision still had not been made, another city council meeting has been scheduled for April 11th.

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