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New Transportation in Jackson is Uber Cool!

Popular taxi company, Uber, recently expanded it’s services to our town, Jackson, Michigan. Jackson residents can now download the app, and get lifts when they need a ride, or get a job as a driver. Although, there is some competition arising because another taxi company, Lyft also moved into Jackson in a similar manner.

People all over Michigan have been trying to get Uber in their towns for well over a year, and now the day has finally come. The current Uber rates in Jackson, updated five days ago, are as follows:

UberX is a basic compact car, that would be a good ride for those riding by themselves, and UberXL is slightly more expensive, but can fit a whole group. People can pick and choose which one to use from ride to ride.

“I love Uber, because they give you free water and snacks! I think Uber coming to Jackson will be beneficial because people can get lifts from wherever, to wherever they want.” says Vianney Medina, eighth grader at JPEC. So far, there hasn’t been any negative aspects to adding Uber, but time will tell. For now, residents are super excited.

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