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Freddie Answers Aimless Author

I really want to write a book! I’ve always wanted to get my creative juices out onto paper, and once I have an idea I know I’ll have a blast writing, but I just don’t know where to start. What do I write about?! How do I get ideas? Just tell me what to write about, I’m really desperate! Please!


Aimless Author

Dear Aimless Author,

I understand your struggle. It’s called writer’s block, and many people get it. Now, I can’t just tell you what to write about, because it should be your idea, but I do have some suggestions on figuring out an idea.

A method many famous authors use, is taking a brainstorming session, where they get out a paper and pencil and just write! You don’t have to write down book ideas, just write anything and hopefully it’ll get the creative juices flowing in your head.

Also, like a famous saying “write what you know,” you can try to stick to writing about topics you know a lot about. Just start by writing about something relatable. Maybe a character with writer’s block?

You can find inspiration anywhere! You could base your work off another author’s then blossom it into your own story, or make a spoof off of a movie! If you tried to write something not similar to anyone else’s work, you’d never get to write the novel you’ve always wanted to! Just do what feels right! I wish you the best of luck in your writing!

Your Friend,

Freddie the Falcon

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