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JPEC Robotics Team Obtains Three Awards!

JPEC’s Robotics Team, Team 6635, recently competed at a robotics competition in Mason. They were partnered with FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition in Science and Technology) Robotics Program, and the Mason Competition was JPEC’s second competition this season.

The theme for the competition was Steampunk, and they were competing to score points. Our team’s robot scored points by delivering gears, and climbing a rope. They averaged three gears per match, and the robot climbed the rope about 80% of the time.

A JPEC robotics member confessed that for their first match, they had never tested their winch beforehand; the winch is the mechanism that allowed the robot to climb the rope. Despite this though, the robot managed to climb the rope, and they won the match regardless.

(JPEC’s first match, they are the red team)

In the afternoon on Friday, Team 6635 was in third place out of forty! The team eventually landed in twenty-eighth place, but they still received three awards.

Two of the awards received were from other teams. The first award was called the “Radioactive Rookie Award from Martians,” and the second was “Best Rookie Award from Jacktown Vectors,” which was given to them by Team 2611.

The third award they received was an official award, called the “All-Star Rookie Award.” By getting this award, they get to go to the state competition to demonstrate and present their robot, and they have a chance to win the states All-Star Rookie award. If they win the All-Star Rookie Award at states, they will get to compete in the world competition.

When asked about the competition, eighth grade robotics member, Samantha Ulicny, says “It was super fun and a great experience.” We are very proud of our falcons, and the official award is displayed in our front office.

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