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Fake Or Not?

There have been reports that countries of Asia have been starting to make something called fake rice. It’s predicted that the rice is made out of a plastic container with flour in it; but it’s still uncertain what the rice is actually made out of.

One customer who had bought 10 cups of the product said “It looked perfectly normal and cost less. So I bought it thinking that it was a very good deal. Normally it would take about 20 minutes to cook, but after 30 minutes it was still hard. I added more water and the aroma was chemical in nature I discarded thinking it was expired.” The rice looks perfectly normal, like any type of rice until you touch it, and then realize it’s not.

When you eat three bowls of fake rice is basically as if you were ingesting a bag of vinyl. Several countries in Asia make fake rice, as it is very cheap compared to real rice, yet many would say it is dangerously artificial.

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