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Freddie Answers Meek Musician

Dear Freddie,

I really enjoy singing and playing music, and I desperately want to be part of the choir and band at our school, but I don’t know if I’m good enough. Everyone else will be so much better than me, and I don’t have prior experience so I’ll be the singled out underdog. I really don’t want to go through that, but I don’t want to not be in music if that makes any sense. I’m torn from going for it and risking being the worst one and turned down, or just staying safe and just playing music on my own time. Please tell me what to do!


Meek Musician


Dear Meek Musician,

You got this! Go ahead and join JPEC’s choir and band! Students have varying experience, so you won’t feel singled out. Don’t doubt yourself, if music is your passion, pursue it. You shouldn’t be worried about what others think. If you don’t take this opportunity, you’ll always wonder what could have happened if you took the leap. As long as you remain dedicated, you won’t have to worry about being good enough and/or being turned down. The point of taking music lessons is to improve, if everyone was perfect, there wouldn’t be music classes. You shouldn’t have to keep your passion to yourself, school is the perfect environment for you to practice your music, and you’ll be able to spend more time on what you love. What all of this is trying to say, is that you should definitely join the music program if that’s what you want. Your worries won’t be an issue at JPEC, the teacher and students are all very accepting. You won’t regret your decision.

Your friend,

Freddie the Falcon

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