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Beyonce’s Expecting Not One, But Two!

(Picture Sources: Music Feeds and Beyonce’s Instagram)

The internet exploded recently when Beyoncé posted maternity pictures, announcing she not only was having a child, but she is having twins! On Instagram, she received 9 million likes on her twins announcement photo in just one day.

A lot of sources have analyzed her photos and have made predictions about what the gender of the two children will be. BBC news has theorized that there will be one boy and one girl because in her photo, she had both pink and blue flowers and clothing. What genders do you think the children will be?

Based on how far along she is in her pregnancy, she is most likely to give birth this summer. She initially wanted to have more children so her daughter, Blue Ivy Carter, has more company, and two more kids will definitely be exciting for the five-year-old.

What does this mean for her career? Beyoncé is known for not taking very long breaks, so we can expect her to be on maternity leave until she has the children, and based on her past, she’ll come back with more music and shows.

No one is sure what she’ll name the kids, but if it’s anything like Blue Ivy’s name, fans will be overjoyed with the kids’ names.

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