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Freddie Answers Stumbling Skater

Dear Freddie,

Please help me! I just don’t know what to do! I want to go to the JPEC Allskate party, but I don’t know how to skate! I know this is a big issue for a skating party.I wanted my rockstar skater friends to help, but they ditched me for someone else who could skate. Apparently, I wasn’t worth their time. I need tips on how to learn how to skate for the party, and also to skate away from those friends.


Stumbling Skater


Dear Stumbling Skater,

I’m glad you want to go to the JPEC Allskate event, but I know the position you’re in is hard to tackle. First off, to help you with your inability to skate issue, I suggest you start by making sure you have the correct equipment. At the beginning of learning, you will fall a lot, so knee and elbow pads are a must have. Balance is key, and skating professionals recommend to focus on balance when you are beginning. Shifting your feet out will help you go forward, and Allskate does have walkers for people who can’t skate. It may sound embarrassing, but most people have used them sometime in their life. It’s more important to have fun and be safe, than to be miserable and falling every two seconds. No one will judge you.

About those friends of yours, I would suggest trying to reason with them first. Maybe tell them how you feel, and ask them if they will teach you how to skate; tips can only go so far. If they realize how they’re making you feel, I’m sure they will help you with your skating problem. If they still refuse and act like bullies, they are not good friends. You should definitely get rid of friends that make you feel bad about yourself. You don’t have to formally tell them you don’t want to be friends anymore because that will give more hate than good. I suggest that you just start talking to other people that you have more common interests with and that are actually nice to you. You do not deserve to be treated badly! You deserve better than to be bullied by people you call your “friends”. It is mentally unhealthy to stay with people who emotionally abuse you. Do what you have to to get out of that toxic situation. Friends should act like friends. I hope this helped you, Stumbling Skater. 🙂

Your Friend,

Freddie the Falcon

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