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Schools Flip Out Over Bottle Flipping

Bottle flipping is a trend that has blown up on the internet. People all around the world have been filming themselves taking average water bottles and throwing them in a ‘flip’ motion, trying to make them land straight up.

There are plenty of compilation videos containing all sorts of these water bottle flipping shorts and this trend is loved by many.

You may have seen your peers doing this challenge, this viral trend is most commonly enjoyed by students. However, with every beloved trend, comes hatred. The water bottle flipping while fun to do, is known as very distracting.

Especially in an environment for learning such as school. Teachers despise the water bottle flip challenge. Our school included.

Schools worldwide are banning this fun activity, students are either happy or mad.

Teachers think banning the action is the right way to stop it, but some students have been defiant and still flipping water bottles, and it’s getting worse.

Why do teachers and staff hate it so much? We’ve decided to interview some of our teachers that may or may not hate it, and hear their opinions!

When asked if she banned bottle flipping in her class and why, JPEC’s art teacher Miss Shirk says “Yes, I did because I had three bottles explode, and they make a really loud, distracting noise.”

JPEC’s college prep english teacher, Miss Lloyd says “I banned it from my class because of multiple spillings, annoying sounds, and distraction.”

Finally, Mr. Perrata says “Yeah because it’s distracting. It could spill water.”

How long will the trend last before it’s banned 100% in our school? Our interviews showed our school’s teachers don’t like bottle flipping and the trend has been already outlawed in their classrooms.

Who knows what the future holds for bottle flipping, only time will tell.

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