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Freddie Answers Depressed and Dateless

Dear Freddie,

I want to go to the fall formal, but I don’t have anyone to go with! Most of my friends have dates, but I don’t want to go with some date I don’t know. I’ll admit, some of my friends don’t have dates, but they’re not going. I might just stay home, but I don’t want to miss out on the fun. There’s no one I really like either.

Please help me,

Depressed and Dateless


Dear Depressed and Dateless,

You don’t need a date to go to the dance! It seems like the expectation that you need a boyfriend or girlfriend has hit you.. Dances aren’t just for couples, we’re not in some teenage romance movie. Even if you go by yourself, you can easily find someone to hang out with. Other people are going through the same issue. There’s many other things to do at a school dance than worrying about someone to go with. You could go eat the food, make some new friends (we have a large student body), and dance!

I’m sure one of the reasons some of your friends don’t want to go is because they don’t have dates either, you can fix that problem easily by having a BFF night together. Don’t worry if you still don’t want to go. It’s totally okay! Your life isn’t going to be ruined, dances are not my thing either. You probably think everyone’s going to be talking about the dance the following week. But to be honest, they will most likely be talking about some drama that happened. Wouldn’t you rather stay out of the drama anyway? No one likes being hated on. What I’m trying to say, is whatever you choose, you’ll have fun. Hope this helped Depressed and Dateless! 🙂

Your good friend,

Freddie the Falcon

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