Falcons’ Soar at First Cross Country Meet

On September 24th ,2016 in Pittsford, Michigan the first Cross Country meet for JPEC Falcons took place. The team had been training and preparing for this race for months. The fastest girl for 3k was Olivia Ortell, who finished in 27th place with a time of 14:23. The fastest boy for 3k was Andrew Mason who finished in 23rd place. The seniors, juniors, sophomores, and freshmen ran the 5k course. The sixth, seventh, and eighth graders ran the 3k course. Josiah Dinverno finished in third place for the 5k with a time of 19:14, winning a medal, along with Josh Bibler who finished in twentieth place.

The course had many hills and challenges, but with the time and effort the team was able to finish the race with an incredible victory, and accomplishment. The course was very challenging and had a lot of hills, but overall the runners were proud of their times.There was a lot of improvement all around, many runners beat their own personal time.
Josiah Dinverno, Andrew Mason, Micah Ortell, Tony Scott, Olivia Ortell and Josh Bibler all obtained medals for finishing in the top 20th places at the race.
Mrs. Ortell and Mr. Llerena are proud of their their runners. The coaches remarked, “We were very proud of our runners and are looking forward to our next meet.”