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Letter from the Editor 3-22-16

The idea of starting this paper came from my strong passion for writing. I feel everyone has something they love, and for me, writing is what I love. My passion for writing was developed at a young age. I just loved how I could bring words together and make my own realities. Writing make everything I thought was impossible, possible. It wasn’t until just recently that I realized that writing was something that I wanted to do as a career.

To strengthen my skills in this career as an author, I wanted to start something at my school that would allow me to get more experience in this field. I also wanted to show and give others the same passion that I have for writing because there are so many sides to writing. Whether it's writing articles, snapping photos, or making edits to articles, I wanted others to be able to develop a love for writing. But, the paper isn’t just for me and what I want. It is for all of us. The College Prep, Early College, our teachers, and everyone that supports JPEC. I know that with the support and dedication of our newspaper staff and all of the wonderful events at our school, this paper will be a success for a very long time.

I would just like to thank everyone who has been a part of this paper. It means a lot to me that so many wanted to be included in this, and I hope that many more of you will join us in this new endevor.

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