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Meet JPEC'S President

We have decided to start a new segment for the Free Press and that is going to be a meet the staff article. This week’s victim was Mr. Shane Malmquist, who is both the official president and superintendent of JPEC.

Before getting into the academic material, we asked his opinion on the first edition of the newspaper. He revealed that he enjoyed the tone of journalism that was used, the headings, and that the content was engaging. He also added that the layout of the paper felt like an actual newspaper. His final comment was that the paper is a great opportunity to highlight the students’ skills and a good way of spreading the information through the school.

Many people have wondered about the changes from the first year to now, to which he said that there are most definitely a few changes from the first year of JPEC to this year. One of the big changes being how all course programs have been moved on to Moodle, which serves as a learning management system. This Moodle system is being used to ready the students for college, where JetNet is the main form of communication. From last year there is more student engagement, especially in non-academic pieces, like NHS, Falcon Free Press, Student Council, and especially the amount of students that volunteer at the open houses.

The Music Program has developed massively from the 10-15 students taking part last year to at least 75 students now enrolled. As of right now there are two sections of bands, two sections of choir, jazz band and a course in music history. This is a big difference from one small class to six classes as of this term.

This next one is not only a change from the last school year, but also from last term, Early College is now spread around campus. This is also a great way for the students to understand how it feels to move from building to building. When asked about dual enrollment he said that it is essential when in the case of Early Colleges, the main difference between traditional dual enrollment and Early College dual enrollment is who can take college course work and when.

In Early College settings, everybody has the option and can take it as soon as they master their topics. While in traditional settings, only specific students can do it and it usually happens during junior or senior year. He revealed to us that last year there were only 12 students dual enrolled and this year there are about 80+ dual enrollees. By the end of year, the school will have awarded over 1000+ college credits. Even better for the reputation of the school, the average GPA is 3.4 in college classes.

As students, we always want to know what he thinks about our involvement. Mr. Malmquist said, “student involvement is at the heart of Falcon Code, which is made up by Respect, Responsibility and Safety.” He revealed that the school functions in a way that allows teachers to be available as just resources. The students’ desires are at the heart of what JPEC is about. He gave an inside scoop on faculty talks by saying that students are thought about when the staff is making big decisions.

Have you ever wondered about the teaching background of our favorite principal? Well, we asked and he was happy to tell us about his background in education. His first job was in Harlem, New York City, working as a 7th and 8th grade teacher. He taught Social Studies and English for 6 years and for his last 2 years, he was the 8th grade team leader. After that came his job in Hoboken, New Jersey, as an intermediate middle school director for two years. After those two years, he became the assistant principal for another 2 years. In July of 2014, he moved to Michigan with his family and took a job here at JPEC as the Dean of Educational Programming. In February of 2015, he officially became the President of JPEC. In addition to his teaching background, Mr. Malmquist completed his Master’s Program at New York University and is continuing his education further through a Doctoral Program at Central Michigan University. Thank you, Mr. Malmquist, for being a great president for JPEC!

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